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gentleman's ties — imitation of life
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vance design offers elegance and modernism in a silk charmeuse tie—an insouciant pairing

colors: garnet red,
french blue,
antique olive,
burnished gold



four seasons


a perceptive glimpse in a silk charmeuse tie reflects woven steel patterns in handsome contrast

colors: french blue with olive,
olive with
burnished gold with brick red,
dawn grey with royal





a contemporary silk crepe tie captured by the architectural image of the curve in the seattle monorail

poppi red,
truly blue,
wasabi green,





urn design evokes sleek grayed conventions of artiface and reality in silk crepe

colors: pewter,
periwinkle blue,
fresh olive,
brushed gold



little monsters


historically haunting, this silk crepe tie hallmarks the judicious composition of faces discovered peeking out of a brass, art deco urn.

garnet red,
regal blue,
waxed olive,
deep gold


  Bug Ties  

Bug Ties

The bug design was done as a collaboration with another artist, Jennifer Haack.

colors: pewter,
periwinkle blue,
fresh olive,
brushed gold


To place an order, please call (206)706-8883 during normal business hours,
or visit our gallery retail store, or email us at sue@suegundy.com.

Stock is limited to available inventory.

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© 2008  Sue Gundy Textiles
6540 Chapin Place N.
Seattle, WA   98103
p  206.706.8883 e  sue@suegundy.com